Heyyy how are you doing today!!! I hope you can read this message in valentines day but if you can’t read it or awnser it for any reason, don’t worry. Take your time because this special letter is for you and it will remain on time for whenever you want to read it or whenever you need to fill your soul with this lovely message.
First I would have loved to do more in this special day for you. But distance and time where a big challenge for me… and the only creative way to deal with those difficulties was to use my nerd skills to make you a website and write you this beautiful letter. 🥰
Sooo let’s get to the letter itself!!
I have many many things to say and even though I’d like to be perfect and I’m writing this a little bit nervous. I would love that you open your mind, heart and soul before reading this message.
Don’t be scare :) I’m no evil and I truly want to spread all my love to your existence Maeva.
I know opening youself can be scary someimes… I’m telling you this because I experiece this feeling very often and I’m also opening my soul, mind and heart for you with this love letter.
So hopefully you can get this message as it’s supposed to be. 💫
First I really hope you had an amazing valentines day where you felt love, joy, happiness and most importantly the presence and guidance of God though your whole day. 🥰
Now going straight to the message I really need to confess something to you… This is a secret I must tell you that I figured out in the past two weeks.
Isn’t it funny how it’s been two years since we link up and somehow things are still moving forward?
I mean… this for me is crazy and I have to confess that since I met you I’ve never found someone like you in this wold.